Beer Can Island (Pine Key): Battling Zoning and Erosion – Will It Survive? | Tampa Bay Boating Adventures
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Beer Can Island (Pine Key): Battling Zoning and Erosion – Will It Survive?

March 04, 2023

There are many great locations to visit when sailing a boat around the Tampa Bay area. One of the most popular areas to stop off at is Beer Can Island, which is also known as Pine Key. The island is a great place to stop and spend time with friends, soaking in the sun and cracking open a few beers as the name suggests, and is currently free to visit. In recent years, however, there has been a fragile relationship between the owners of the island and the county’s zoning laws, and issues with natural erosion from the water surrounding it. Due to this legislation, Beer Can Island has been officially ‘canceled’, yet it is still a popular spot and survived despite the county’s best efforts. Let’s take a closer look at the issues surrounding this party spot:

Fundraising Issues & Land Loss from Erosion

In October 2020, a GoFundMe Page was set up by the newest owners of the island, asking for funding and support to save the island from erosion. They estimated that the island had lost up to 3 acres of land in recent years due to erosion and tides and was looking for funding to help rectify this and stop the situation from getting worse. The funding looked to raise enough money to help install geotubes and breakwaters to help preserve this spot. Unfortunately, the campaign itself was not very successful and only raised $1445 out of its $500,000 goal.

Zoning Issues with Hillsborough County

Pine Key Island did not fit well into the existing categories of the Hillsborough County zoning laws, so applied to create a new category for island recreation – perfect for Beer Can Island but this was rejected. Some were skeptical about the environmental harm that the island’s use would cause and were reluctant to grant the requests. As the property did not fit into any zoning designation, they were asked to stop all events and concerts on the island.

March of 2023 was described as the ‘last call’ for Beer Can Island after the owners of the island were told that the county was treating it as a nature preserve – meaning that there could be no plans for commercial outlets or large numbers of visitors. The current state of the island was criticized, as well as further safety concerns due to its proximity to shipping lanes and lack of facilities for helicopter landing if there was a medical emergency in the area. All of these factors were taken into consideration when working out how to zone the area.

Nature Preserve or Party Island?

It seems like this year is the last chance to try and change the commissioner’s minds about the zoning issues that are linked to Beer Can Island, with the owners desperately seeking a solution that will let them run a commercial enterprise and attract more visitors to the island. They are once again, appealing to the commission, explaining how the issues with medical access are not an issue due to trained first aiders and a defibrillator on the island, while the shipping lanes issue can be counteracted with the argument that the boat captains are fully licensed and experienced.

What does the future hold for Beer Can Island? Watch this space…

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